Monday, December 2, 2013

Warnings on Fraudulent Activities

An investor can identify a possible fraud if: 
 The “facilitator” requires commissions in advanced before the start of the program and not over the benefits once the program is delivered.  
 The facilitator requires that the investor transfer his or her funds to an offshore country or to an account opened in the name of a third person.  
 The bank trader does not assure protection for your funds at any or all moments.  
 The questions done by the investor before the signature of the contract are not fully and satisfactorily answered.  

When dealing with a real trading platform: 
 The money invested by the client is guaranteed 100%. 
 The funds invested are managed only and exclusively by the investor and remain in the bank account of the investor ALWAYS.  
 The investor has total control over his or her money at all times.  
 The operations are done through one of the top banks. 
 The investor is the only person that can block the funds.  
 All communications and agreements are done in a clear and transparent manner, as we have nothing to hide.  
 The benefits are received in the account of the client on a weekly basis.  

In the rare case that the investor does not receive the promised benefits during one or two weeks, he or she can cancel the contract and retain the benefits obtained up to the moment.  
If during a period of time, the trader does not provide the agreed benefits, the investor can cancel the contract too. This possibility is reflected in the contract, which is registered in the Chamber of Commerce of Paris in agreement with current international banking laws.  

Frequent Questions and Doubts

Why do only a few investors know about PPP programs? Are they new? 
These programs are around 60 years old but they are not massively and publicly known as only a reduced group of investors have enough funds or bank instruments suitable to enter in these types of programs. The investors have access to a Bank Trader ONLY THROUGH PERSONAL INVITATION to participate in a PPP.  

Are these programs riskless?  
The banking is done through GOLD. Differently from the traditional banks, which backing is based on the level of their monetary reserves (client’s deposits and own capital), the banks that operate in the Secondary Market increase their reserve in gold.  

Can the banks have economic problems that may affect my investment? 
NO. The regulations imposed to the banks to participate in the Secondary Market are SEVERE, STRICT AND INEGOTIABLE and they are not affected by the fluctuations in the markets, rumors or speculations. Besides, these banks based their reserves in GOLD and not in cash.  
None of the banks participating in the programs have EVER had financial problems and this is the most secure system that has existed. Besides, all operations have ZERO RISK as the money never leaves the account of the investor and it remains blocked throughout the operation (so, it is never used or touched). On the other hand, the Trading Contract guarantees the interest rates and benefits. 

Should I give or transfer my funds to someone else? 
NO. Nobody has the right to require any payment for any transaction. Only documents should be required to start the operation.
Could I contact the bank directly in order to execute this operation? 
NO. The international banking law expressly prohibits direct contact between a bank and an investor to develop a PPP program and this contact should be done through trading facilitators. The client only can deal with the bank directly after the signature of the contract with the bank trader.  

What are the risks for presenting these documents and why are they so important? 
ZERO RISK. The documents are so important because they are the only way to verify the quality and quantity of the funds and bank documents that participate in the program.  
The proof of funds is issued by the bank, which is where the investor has his or her funds deposited, to show the quality and quantity of the funds but not to allow anyone to move them or have access to these funds.  

The letter signed by the investor shows the willingness of the investor to intervene in the program while the photocopy of his or her passport allows the trader and the trader’s team to identify the investor and the bank where the funds to participate in the program are deposited.

What procedure is followed when handing these documentations? 
In the period of 5 banking days the facilitators and the bank trader will check the documentation. If the verification is positive, the investor will receive the rest of the necessary documentation that needs to be filled out, signed and notarized.  
This information is sent to the Bank Trader who will invite the investor to a meeting in order to sign the trading contract.  

Should I sign a contract? 
YES. A document called an Agreement and Comprehension of the Project will be taken by the bank as the parameter to liquidate the benefits and participations. Later on, during the meeting with the bank trader, the investor will sign the definitive contract.
How do I get my benefits? 
In cash or through Bank Pay Orders deposited in your bank account opened with this objective. 

How do I charge my benefits? 
Monthly, weekly or every two weeks depending on the way stipulated in the contract.  

Could I put more money in the account where I receive my benefits? 
NO. You have to use a different account.   

Could I use the funds or part of the funds invested in the program before the program ends? 
NO. The funds should remain blocked until the end of the program and the expiration of the contract.  

Once the program ends, could I use my funds? 
YES. Once the program ends you are free to do what you want with your funds.  

How should be funds be? 
Your funds should be clean, clear and derived from non-criminal and non- terrorist activities. If at the moment of verifying your documentation, the trading facilitators have doubts, the investor will be required to facilitate extra documents in agreement with the international banking law and no exceptions are made in this issue.  

Does the bank communicate with me to let me know the state of my account? 

YES. The bank will offer the investor a monthly bank statement through safe methods.  

Could I require proof and data regarding previous operations conducted by your company? 

NO. We have to comply with the Confidentiality Normative, which means that we cannot unveil private data. We beg possible investors that they DO NOT INSIST on this issue as under any circumstances we will not be able to provide personal data of other investors.  

Could I use the money obtained through benefits? 
YES. The investor can freely use the money generated by the program in the form of benefits in any way you wish to.    

What happens if I introduce an investor to your trading platform? 
You have to sign a Commissions Agreement (IMFA) that will assure that you will receive a percent for your work. You have to send a photocopy of your passport to allow the bank trader to open an account in your name to receive your commission.  


Step by Step Procedure

In order to start the procedure an investor should follow these steps: 

 Present an updated proof of funds and a color photocopy of his or her passport 
 Send a letter authorizing the verification of the funds or bank instruments that participate in the program. 

The investor should send the required documentation in five days as the proof of funds (and all bank documentation) has a life of five days, after that period it is considered out of date by the banks and it cannot be verified. Once the funds have been verified the client is presented with a CIS, a document that helps to identify the investor.  

When the trader has the necessary documentation, he or she will prepare a document reflecting the profitability of the program at the same time that the trading platform will require the client to agree in payment of commissions. The commissions of the trading platform should be a maximum of 10% OVER THE BENEFITS. In other words, the investor retains 90% of the benefits generated by the program and he or she will only pay 10% commission to the platform after the bank trader has delivered his or her services and the stipulated benefits have been generated.  

Once the documentation is collected and signed and the client agrees with the profitability offered by the trader, the facilitator steps aside and from that moment the investor will deal directly with the trader.  

From now on, the trader or the trader’s bank officer will contact and support the investor throughout the entire process up to the moment of the signature of the contract, which usually takes places in GENEVE, LONDON, PARIS or HONG KONG but in exceptional cases could be done by email with previous verification of a notary office.  

A lawyer, notary, consultant and/or translator, in case English is not his or her mother tongue, can accompany the investor at the moment of the signature. The investor should read the contract carefully before signing it.  

If the investor does not agree with one of the clauses, then a negotiation is possible or he can cancel the contract with zero cost.  

If the investor agrees with the contract, the Bank Trader will pay the stipulated benefits during a period of 40 weeks in an account opened for this end in the name of the client.  

Examples of Guaranteed Trading Programs

The minimum annual benefits generated by a PPP are between 250% and 400% and they are obtained through simultaneous and legal buying and selling of bank actives and American MTN’s. 

The funds participating in the program are blocked in the account of the client, once the trading contract is signed, guaranteeing that the funds will NEVER be at risk. The investor is the only person with access to his bank account and the only one who can block and unblock the funds.  
The benefits generated are paid on a weekly basis for a total of 40 weeks.  

The minimum amount required to enter a program is $10M in cash or in the form of bank instruments.  

Once the documentation is collected and verified, the investor is presented with the profitability that the program will generate. If the investor accepts this profitability, the bank officer or bank trader will contact him and work out an agreement for the preparation of the contract and the invitation to sign this contract.  

False Facilitators, Intermediaries or Scammers

The trading programs are difficult areas for investors because investors need to be extremely careful of who they are in contact with. The elevated sums of money involved in these types of programs, attract many no-qualified intermediaries and “traders”, which are actually false and fraudulent. 

There are many “intermediaries” who are familiar with some details of a trading contract; however, very few of them know the entire procedure.  

Although they obviously do not have the direct and real contacts with the Bank Traders the operation cannot be successful. Nevertheless, they pretend to have contacts with real Traders in an attempt to obtain some money from the investor.  

Usually, the chain of brokers (Daisy Chains) is formed by someone who knows someone who supposedly has contact with someone who is capable of accessing a trading program, but never can prove their affirmations.  

The Job of the Trading Facilitator

As the investor cannot contact the bank and/or the Bank Trader directly, he or she has to deal with Trading Facilitators. The Facilitators are the ones collecting and verifying the documentation and funds required to enter a PPP and contacting the Trader to execute the corresponding contract. Therefore, the investor has two responsibilities: to facilitate the necessary documentation to the facilitators and to make sure that the funds participating in the program are clean, clear and derived from non-criminal activities.  

Banking Silence

In general terms, the banks deny the existence of the PPP programs and refuse to discuss investment operations publicly as the international banking law prohibits direct contact between the bank and the client, at least, during the first stages of the program when the required documentation must be verified.